Shroff Eye Hospital
Shroff Eye Hospital is India's First Eye Hospital accredited by the Joint Commission International (USA) since 2006. Shroff Eye is also India's first and only Wavelight Concerto 500 Hz LASIK center. Shroff Eye has stood for excellence in eye care since 1919. A firm commitment to quality is at the heart of all services provided at our centers at Bandra(W) and Marine Drive, Mumbai.
Shroff Eye Openers
Contact Lenses
- DO wash your hands properly before handling your contact lenses
- DO keep your nails short
- DO not sleep with your contact lenses on
- DO follow one contact lens-care regimen
- Do store the contact lenses in the solution, lenses should not get dry
- DO clean the contact lenses with every use
- DO clean the contact lens everyday even if not worn
- DO clean the lens case, too with a special toothbrush specifically for that purpose. Clean the case with lukewarm water once a week and leave it to dry
- DO not use water or homemade saline solutions to clean lenses
- DO not wear your contact lenses while swimming or bathing
- DO not rub your eyes very hard while wearing lenses
- DO remove your contact lenses in case of redness, irritation or discharge in your eyes and consult your doctor
- DO protect your eyes with eye wear in essentially windy conditions especially if you are using contact lenses
- DO insert lenses BEFORE applying make up. DO remove lenses BEFORE removing make up.
- DO clean contact lenses in the palm of your hand instead of between your fingers.
- DO not use hair spray when your lenses are in. Spray your hair BEFORE inserting your lenses.
- DO not use saliva to wet your lenses. Your mouth is full of bacteria.
- DO not wear yearly lenses longer than their expiry as it will not be safe or hygienic for your eyes
- DO visit your contact lens expert regularly as advised
Eye Drops
- DO Wash your hands thoroughly before instilling eye drops
- DO NOT touch the tip of your bottles with your fingertips or touch your eye with the bottle tip when instilling eye drops.
- DO NOT use eye drops without consulting a doctor
Reading, TV etc
- DO NOT read in moving vehicles like car, bus, train as this leads to tremendous eye strain due to constant movement of the matter being read
- DO read in proper lighting and posture
- DO View TV at a distance of 8- 10 feet
- DO NOT lie flat on your back and read.
- DO NOT read in dim illumination as that may lead to eyestrain.
- DO NOT look directly at the sun. It is harmful to your retina
- DO wear protective sunglasses to avoid dirt and dust particles from entering the eyes especially on a two-wheeler.
- Don’t rub your eyes with unclean hands or when you are outdoors and in public places, even if you are sweaty. You could inadvertently introduce infection or allergies.
- Do not step outdoors in Summer without wearing good UV absorbing sunglasses
Cataract, Diabetes Glaucoma etc
- DO NOT wait for your cataract to mature. Visit your eye doctor in the early stage of cataract, as new advanced treatment will work better.
- DO check your eyes regularly if you have Diabetes. Diabetes is a leading cause of blindness and its early detection and treatment can greatly decrease the risk.
- DO check your eyes with an eye doctor. Without proper treatment, glaucoma in the eyes can lead to irreversible blindness.
- DO check your children’s eyes regularly with an eye doctor. One in four children have a vision problem that can interfere with their learning.
- DO check your children’s eyes if they are Squinting, rubbing or excessively blinking their eyes.
- DO teach your child to never look directly at the sun (especially during an eclipse).
- DO make sure your child’s eyes are protected either by a wind-brimmed hat or by wearing ultraviolet (UV)-protective sunglasses.
- DO set an example of using the appropriate protective eyewear during sporting and recreational activities.
- Do not wipe your face with a towel/handkerchief which has cleaned your hands and body as the microbes may spread to your eyes.
- In the monsoon Do not touch your eyes without washing your hands.
- Protect your eyes in essentially windy conditions especially if you are using contact lenses.
- Carry your complete contact lens kit and glasses in the event of being stranded overnight in a downpour.
- Those having high numbers should keep a spare pair of spectacles at all times as an added measure of safety during monsoon.
- In the monsoon always wash your face, hands and feet as soon as you reach home.
- Do not open your eyes deliberately to raindrops. They absorb atmospheric pollutants which could be dangerous for the eyes particularly in Industrial areas.
- Do not open your eyes deliberately to raindrops as they also wash away the tear film, the eye’s natural protection mechanism.
- Children love splashing through water-logged streets in the rains. This could be dangerous as waterborne bacteria generate eye infections like conjunctivitis.
Summer, UV, Sunglasses..
- Don’t step outdoors in the summer without Ultraviolet absorbing eyewear.
- Don’t presume that the darker the tint of your sunglasses the more UV protection you have. If not really UV protected, such eyewear will cause more damage.
- Don’t let the kids out without protection in the form of a wide brimmed hat or UV absorbing eyewear in summer.
- Don’t buy the sunglasses if there is no UV label. Labels should be examined carefully to ensure that the lenses purchased absorb at least 99% of UVA and UVB light.
- Don’t splash water inside your eyes, as is a habit for some people. This washes away the tear film that is a protective layer and can cause ‘dry eyes’ in the long run.
- Don’t wear eye make up which is not water proof as sweat may cause it to run inside the eyes and lead to allergies and infection.
- Do not open your eyes deliberately to raindrops as they also wash away the tear film, the eye’s natural protection mechanism.
- Children love splashing through water-logged streets in the rains. This could be dangerous as waterborne bacteria generate eye infections like conjunctivitis.
- Poor position in relation to the computer.
- Lighting that produces glare or reflections, fuzzy images or images that are too dim or too bright.
- Failure to blink often enough to moisten the surface of the eyes.
- Use of glasses that are inappropriate for the user’s position and distance from the screen
- Minor visual defects such as astigmatism that might go unnoticed unless intense computer use exaggerates them.
- Lower your computer screen so that the centre of the screen is 4-8 inches below your eye level and at a viewing distance of 20-28 inches.
- Use a document holder placed next to your computer screen. It should be close enough so you don’t have to swing your head back and forth or constantly change your eye focus.
- If you are seated in a draught or near an air vent, try to change your seating or position and direct the draught away from your eyes.
- Low humidity or fumes aggravate a dry eye condition.
- Concentrate on blinking whenever you begin to sense symptoms of dry or irritated eyes.
- Take frequent breaks when on the computer. Follow the 20-20-20 rule. This simply means every 20 minutes, look away beyond 20 feet and blink 20 times.
This will prevent Computer Vision Syndrome.
- Use artificial tears as recommended by your doctor to re-wet and lubricate your eyes.
Eye Injury
- Do not rub your eyes in case of eye injury.
- During eye injury use the corner of a soft clean cloth to draw any foreign particles out, or hold the eyelids open and flush the eyes continuously with water.
- In case of eye injury, if a particle is large or stuck in the eye, do not attempt to remove it.
- In case of eye injury Keep eyes closed and go to the eye doctor.
- In case of eye injury where there is any chemical that has entered the eyes, immediately rinse the eyes and eyelids, with water, for 30 minutes. Seek an eye doctor immediately.
- In case of burns around the eyes, rinse the burnt area, without scrubbing it, and immerse it in cold water; do not use ice water.
- In case of chemical eye burn injury flush the exposed area with cool water immediately for 15 to 20 minutes
- DO Wash your hands after using household chemicals
- Do check your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery or LASIK as latest technology customizes the treatments for your needs, numbers and age.
- Burst Crackers. Not Your Eyes. Rockets account for majority of firework injuries that lead to permanent eye damage
- Do use safety eye wear while playing sports like Golf and Squash as there are higher chances of eye injury as the small sized balls can hit the eye directly as against larger balls which would hit the bony rim of the eye socket.
- During Ganapati Visarjan Wash your eyes immediately with clean water if any colours or ‘Gulaal’ gets into them
- During Ganapati Visarjan Many people walk for long hours in scorching sun without protective eye wear, hence a good UV protection sun wear to prevent damage to the macula due to UV radiation is also important
- During Ganapati Visarjan Conjunctivitis spreads in crowd. Avoid touching your eyes with unclean hands
- During Ganapati Visarjan You could lose your glasses, so keep a spare pair handy. This is important for those with high numbers and especially when entering the water for the immersion
- During Ganapati Visarjan Do not go too close to fire crackers as sparks may fly in the eye causing injuries
- During Ganapati Visarjan Children should wear hats or caps to protect their eyes.
Eye Allergies
- Eye allergies and infections spread in crowds hence avoid touching your eyes with unclean hands.
- Cold compresses sometimes help soothe sudden allergic reactions and swollen eyes.
- Keeping eye drops in the refrigerator makes its application more soothing
- Wearing sunglasses when outdoors can minimize pollen from getting into your eyes and causing seasonal allergies.
- Steroid eye drops should be used with extreme caution and always under the supervision of an ophthalmologist
- Most people with eye allergies treat themselves but if the remedies are not working or in presence of pain, redness, or discharge, you should see an ophthalmologist.
- Protect Your Eyes from the Sun. Invest in a good quality sunglass that gives UV protection to your eyes as UV-A and UV-B rays contribute to macular degeneration.
- Today, during cornea donation instead of the earlier practice of removing the whole eyeball from a deceased person, now only a portion of the surface of the eye (cornea) is removed.
- Stop Smoking and Control Hypertension as these could increase the risk of Macular Degeneration.
- For 3 D headaches disregard your experience with 2D movies and stay focussed on whatever is right in front of you; that is what you should be paying attention to. By focussing too long on the background details is what triggers headaches and disorientation.
- Get your eyes checked by an ophthalmologist if you change your spectacle numbers frequently.
- Take short visual breaks from texting on mobile phones or smart phones. After every other text look at a visual object at least 20 feet away, make it clear and then complete a couple more texts.
- If you have been texting and you look up and you can feel your eyes strain to refocus this is a strong signal you have been over doing it, take a long break from texting.
- Do not text while driving, crossing roads or riding bikes. Same rules apply for handheld video games and those cool apps.
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